They Throw Rice Too!*
Congratulations, Kalyani!
On Friday I went to see my friend of longest standing (I nearly said oldest friend, but she'd kill me) get married. I've known Kal for 18 years, since 7th grade at ISS, and after all these stops and starts, she's finally gone and tied the knot.
The wedding was at the wedding hall in the Sri Srinivasa Perumal temple on Serangoon Road. I can't begin to count how many people showed up -- Indian weddings make Chinese weddings look like just having a couple of friends over.
I found it quite funny that both Pratap and Kal didn't quite know what was happening -- everything was led by the Brahmin (the bearded guy to the left of Pratap). I suppose it must be profane to rehearse?
The bridesmaids enter (and the one in the middle is really quite cute. Not the one in red, who is clearly far, far too young.)
And there she is, mirabile visu almost attractive**
At the centre of attention, and rightly so.
Around the fire thrice they go... and congratulations, Mrs Kishan!
*Watch Russell Peters give this immemorial gem regarding throwing rice at an Indian wedding:
Father: Stop! Stop! Stop! See, I told you not to invite these white people, they're throwing all the bloody food around! How would they like it if we went to their wedding and threw mashed potatoes?
**Only joking, tangachi, you were beautiful. It brought a tear to my eye...
the same Indian/ Tamil wedding and i have such different impressions - indeed, i am slightly disturbed that u think that Chinese weddings are mere invitation of a few friends. I met this iranian-swedish man in London (welcome back to the world of international cities - missing New York) and he attended a 13 course chinese wedding dinner... he certainly suffered from a bout of evil painful indescribable indigestion.... 13 course dinner for a mere invitation for a few friends??!!
Tuesday, September 27, 2005 2:41:00 PM
それはそうだけど。。。It's purely a matter of context. The Chinese weddings I have been to have been relatively small in comparison -- certainly the entire hall downstairs was a tad large.
A 13 course dinner for a mere 200 friends... compared to a 8 course buffet for 400?
Tuesday, September 27, 2005 3:37:00 PM
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