Just another ex-expatriate adjusting.

Sunday, August 03, 2008

Tears in my eyes

There's nothing that brings tears to my eyes faster than hearing jets go overhead on afterburner. I was waiting at the workshop on Saturday while my new exhaust and air filter were being installed (and now the Impresser is just that much faster) when the display team went overhead for the National Day display.

The purity of sound as the air tears overheard -- I could hear it for days. Of course, I did, once, 7 years ago; and it was among the most reassuring sounds I've ever heard. Not one I'd have ever imagined hearing on a clear blue New York afternoon sky, but they were special circumstances.

But yesterday it was almost as reassuring hearing a sound like God zipping his fly; the volume of noise reaches down into the ape part of the brain and grabs the "That's some GOOD SHIT" lever.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Well, I hear no joy in the collective sound of a million ERP beeps going off at the same time. LOL

Sunday, August 03, 2008 11:32:00 PM


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