This is a link-post for my Amazon purchases.
Just another ex-expatriate adjusting.
I've been on a bit of a national anthem kick recently. Call me bored, call me in need of inspiration, but there is something stirring when you hear some national anthems. That is their point, after all -- to stir some kind of emotion.
There's nothing that brings tears to my eyes faster than hearing jets go overhead on afterburner. I was waiting at the workshop on Saturday while my new exhaust and air filter were being installed (and now the Impresser is just that much faster) when the display team went overhead for the National Day display.
Ever noticed how time dilates when you are sick? It's been only 24 hours since I left work yesterday on MC, but it feels like at least a week's worth of diarrhea and fever dreams.
I have just had an hour long chat with housemates in front of Mugs, discussing the future of Singapore and what the gahmen can possibly do to help. Ignoring the fact that nothing significant can happen until the Old Man (an utter bastard, but without doubt OUR bastard) kicks off, I can only say that I have never been happier.
Just got into the city today after a day and a half in chicago. I had no internet connection there: i'm actually blogging this through my phone as i'm too lazy to boot up my computer. What computers have become indeed...
After the trials of dealing with a squeaky roller-bag (the price of going to Mustafa for your travel needs) and a moderately uncomfortable flight (thanks to the Japanese loving warmth) I am now on the ground in Narita.
Fri 28/09/2007 17:48 28092007093 One Shenton Way is coming down. That's fine. But how the hell did they get those excavators up there to begin with?! No cranes, no nothing. Just 3 excavators.
Fri 28/09/2007 12:52 28092007092 Perhaps the angle is a bit off here but when walking by this display piece, I had a sudden double take... Advertising what looks on first glance like a severed body part (called le grand sausage no less) doesn't seem likely to boost appetites. Well, not hetero guys' appetites at least.